Tuesday, July 22, 2008

TWD: Cherry Apple Cobbler

This week I made my first ever cobbler! Yeah!! Amanda at Like Sprinkles on a Cupcake chose this weeks Tuesdays with Dorie assignment of Cherry Rhubarb Cobbler. I couldn't find rhubarb at any of my regular grocery stores so I chose to go with granny smith apples instead. 

My husband's aunt was in town and it was her birthday so I gave her the cobbler. She called to let me know that she was on her third serving. So I guess it came out pretty good!

I used fresh cherries and pitted them myself. I used a pearing knife and it went pretty easy. I hear there is a tool out there for pitting cherries. Let me know if it works. Maybe I need one of those?

Click here for the recipe.


Amy said...

Your cobbler looks beautiful. Isn't it fun to share with family, and then they can enjoy it too! Glad your aunt liked it.

The Food Librarian said...

Looks. So. Good. Wonderful cobbler and great photos!

Jules Someone said...

Mmmmm. That looks great! Grandma is on to something!

I pitted by hand as well. There are tools out there, but I would use it so infrequently, that's it not worth it.

Engineer Baker said...

It's always a good sign when people have second (or third!) servings. It looks delicious.

Rigby said...

Your cobbler looks fabulous! How wonderful that your aunt enjoyed it :)

Nickki said...

Looks delicious! I didn't have a cherry pitter either. What a mess my kitchen and I were in with all the cherry juice :)

Aaliyah said...

COOL...another woman with a paring knife lol we should form a group. I didn't even know there was a tool for cutting the seeds out of the cherries. I had so much fun making a mess and then realized I was wearing my favorite white t-shirt...yeah..I posted a warning about the white thing.

Your cobbler looks so good and after hearing about someone having a 3rd helping? I think my teen daughter and her friend would be in good company with you husbands Aunt!

I look forward to your post next week! Great photos.

Unknown said...

Looks beautiful - glad it met with family approval! I have a heavy-duty German cherry pitter (about $10-12) and I love it. Even using it, you do get some splatters, but it's not too bad.

CB said...

I used granny apples too! Guess I'll have to wait for another recipe to pop my rhubarb cherry. LOL. Glad your grandma liked it!
Clara @ iheartfood4thought

Bungalow Barbara said...

Looks great! Third helpings, wow, she really liked it! (My husband & I both had 2nd helpings. Nothing like fruit with a biscuity topping!)

noskos said...

Nice looking cobbler! I used a chopstick to take the pits out, works like a charm, no need to buy a special tool for it!